Thursday, May 1, 2014

On the road...

Last week I was traveling with my family and in-laws which is why no posts last week. Traveling and making art is a lot of fun, but tricky with kids. It got really difficult after illness set in for me and my oldest daughter (my younger daughters had the bug before we left and were on antibiotics for the first few days of the trip).  Taking care of sick kids while on vacation was rough and I didn't make too much progress in making art after the first few days. But here are a few things we saw along the way.  I discovered that it is possible to do small paintings in the car like the one below, but not to do tighter and more precise drawings as above.  For me, the movement of the car makes drawing difficult, but loose watercolor works quite well I thought.

This week I start work on rehabbing sets for Peter and the Wolf for Turning Pointe Dance Studio.  I already did the artwork for the poster for the performance, so hopefully the work to do the sets will go smoothly and they will come out well.  As soon as I have the finished poster available I will post it here, hopefully soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love your sketchbook it's a great way to keep connected with your aim to focus on your own work.
